![[Image description: A black and white photo of an Indonesian woman with black hair tied back. She is wearing lipstick, and a black and white daster, and is smiling to the camera against a white background. Next to it in the image is the book cover for amuk. Cover description: Against a chartreuse background, ‘amuk’ is written in black cursive, inside two brackets. Above the title in the right-hand corner, in the same hand: the word ‘amuq’ in Jawi script, under which is the Filipino cognate ‘hamok’ written as ‘ha-mo’ in Baybayin, and underneath that is the Māori cognate ‘amo’ written in the Latin alphabet. Large, black brackets also surround the blurb on the back cover.]](https://disbeliefdisregard.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Okka-and-amuk.png)
University of Liverpool Power, Space and Cultural Change (PSCC) research group and Centre for Health, Arts, Society and Environment (CHASE) are honoured to host an online talk by Dr. Khairani Barokka.
amuk: Unpathologising Worlds in a Word
Khairani Barokka’s book amuk (Nine Arches) is the story of how the (mis)translation of a single word pathologised ‘natives’ in Indonesia, and continues to this day. This is a history of how rage was thieved, and how this relates to continued brutal assaults on indigenous lands, life, and bodyminds, across the genocides of colonial capitalism. It also attempts to thieve it back, and recognises resistance as reclaiming meaning. In her talk, Okka will connect the lessons of these histories to the community of unbelieved Muslim women with chronic illness she is a part of, and has worked with as part of the Disregarding Disbelief project.
Time and Date: 2-3pm 26 April, 2024, online
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pscc-and-chase-talk-by-khairani-barokka-tickets-876666893277?aff=oddtdtcreator